This is a continual work in progress pulled from various wikis and documents that I've used more than I ever expected to clarify one concept or another...
and a reminder that in addition to "whiles" and "ifs" and "loops", a fully realized deliverable also includes:
Observability - how we trace and monitor the solution
monitoring - New Relic, SignalFX
metering - dropwizard, ...
tracing solution - like Zipkin
Microservice ambassadors and side-cars
circuit breaker
configuration and secrets management
Logging and error handling solution
logging strategy and utilities
error handling strategy
Quality control
unit testing
integration testing
acceptance testing
performance testing
code quality such as lint, Jacoco, Sonarqube
mutation testing
Continuous integration and delivery
build tools such as Gitlab, Jenkins, Jenkins X
deployment tools such as Terraform, Packer
Production platforms such as AWS, GKE, or Azure
Soft platforms such as Kubernetes
Last updated