kafka walkthroughs
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This is a version of the Confluent sample program, except that the configurations are in a separate file. We won't spend a lot of time on this except to run the program and make sure that we can all produce records to Kafka.
Run the program against the training server
Run the program against Confluent
IConfluentect the data in Confluent using the Control Center or the Kafka-utils tool
Change the record count and run again
We'll dig into the basics of producing and consuming simple text messages to Kafka.
Walk through the Producer configurations
Introduction to the KafkaProducer class
Walk through the Consumer properties
Introduction to the KafkaConsumer class
Run the program
Change the record count and run again
Use the AdminClient functionality to get and create topics. We've also separated configuration from logical code.
Walk through the admin code
Run the program and create a new topic in the training environment
Introduce the concept of serializers and how they are implemented in Kafka.
IConfluentect the Json serializer and the changes to Producer and consumer configurations
Walk through the generator pojo and factory
Run the program for the Training broker
IConfluentect the data in Confluent using the Control Center or the Kafka-utils tool
Run the program
Quickly walk through the executor thread setup - the important takeaway here is that we share the producer across threads.
IConfluentect the threaded producer
Why Avro?
Explain automated 'sinks' like KafkaConnect that require schema
Walk through a KafkaConnect example
Schema Registry
Emphasis that Kafka is only storing binary schema-less data
Explain the general concept of schema
Explain the schema registry
Schema naming strategy
Confluent Schema-Registry API
Generic vs Specific records
Explain Specific vs Generic records
Quickly review a Specific record implementation
Deep dive into the generic record implementation
Run the program against the Confluent broker
Kafka serialization internals
Optionally walk through KafkaAvro serializer logic
The same basic material as version 06, but replace the User pojo with a NotificationStatus pojo, and substitute executor threads with a reactive approach (just for fun).
Spring offers an implementation of Kafka that hides some boilerplate code. Revisit the 04-hello-json solution and re-write using spring-kafka
SpringCloud offers an even simpler generic interface
Revisit the 06-hello-avro solution and re-write using spring-kafka
Walk through all of the Spring producer code
Run the program