For this example, we'll first add the Cucumber modules to our build. I'm adding the spring module as well because we are working wih Spring Boot. At the current date there are a few additional configurations and files we need to add to make Cucumber work with Junit5 and we'll show those in this section
Cucumber JVM Setup
Add the Cucumber modules to the build - in this case we are using Gradle
In this example we want to ensure that any invalid values are caught before they are sent to the SendGrid API. We start off with one valid payload which will make it through our validation but will be 'caught' by our final mock before actually being sent. The rest of the cases have on missing or incorrect field per test and should be 'caught' before trying to call SendGrid and getting to our final mock.
Feature: Sendgrid acceptance test example
A few example bdd tests using cucumber as the driver
Scenario: Invalid values should be caught before sending to the API
Given the API is available
When I am sending valid and invalid emails
| sender | from | to | subject | args | body | expected |
| "me" | | | Hello world | {"head": "bang"} | I was a teenage werewolf | 200 |
| "john" | | | Hello world | {"head": "bang"} | I was a teenage werewolf | 400 |
| "fred" | ERROR@gmailcom | | Hello world | {"head": "bang"} | I was a teenage werewolf | 400 |
| "me" | | | | {"head": "bang"} | I was a teenage werewolf | 400 |
| "me" | | | Hello world | | I was a teenage werewolf | 200 |
| "me" | | | Hello world | {"head": "bang"} | | 200 |
| | | | Hello world | {"head": "bang"} | I was a teenage werewolf | 200 |
Then Validation errors should be caught before being sent to the API
Example - acceptance test
... @Given("the API is available")publicvoidthe_api_is_available() { mailer =newSendgridMailer(new Client(true)); // set to true to get httpsendgridProperties.setHost("mocked");sendgridProperties.setApiKeyValue(this.apiKeyValue);sendgridProperties.setApiVersion(this.apiVersion);sendgridProperties.setSdkVersion(this.sdkVersion); } @When("I am sending valid and invalid emails")publicvoidi_am_sending_the_following_emails(io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable dataTable) {this.testSuite=newArrayList<>();List<Map<String,String>> rows =dataTable.asMaps(String.class,String.class);for (Map<String,String> columns : rows) {var sg =SendgridRequest.builder().senderName(columns.get("sender")).toAddress(columns.get("to")).fromAddress(columns.get("from")).subject(columns.get("subject")).content(columns.get("body")).build();var status =Integer.parseInt(columns.get("expected"));this.testSuite.add(Pair.of(status, sg)); } } @Then("Validation errors should be caught before being sent to the API")publicvoidthen_i_should_receive_the_expected_reponses() {this.testSuite.forEach(x ->handle_invalid_formats(x.getLeft(),x.getRight())); }